Grant Criteria
How does the Edfund decide which grants to fund?
The Edfund Board encourages teachers and administrators at all of the Hamilton Wenham Schools to request grants to enhance the education they provide to students in K-12 and take advantage of the funding supported by the generosity of our community donors.
The Edfund reviews grant applications on a rolling basis throughout the year and depending on the available funds we determine as a board which grants will have the most meaningful impact for students not only today but going forward. When funds are distributed may depend on the amount requested and available funds at the time of the application.
Grant Criteria
We try our best to make the grant application process as easy as possible for teachers and administrators. See below for the important guidelines and forms and please let us know if you have questions. We can't wait to see your grant proposal (seriously).
Download Criteria Form
What types of enrichment are generally funded?
The Edfund span a wide range of educational subjects, like math, English, science, technology, foreign languages, arts, physical education. Technology purchases have included items such as computer labs, computer stations and laptops, Smart Boards, LCD projectors and digital cameras.
Our funding has also provided the latest training opportunities for teachers, supported classroom initiatives, and purchased technology and programs that support individual learning styles. With our new mini-grant program, we hope that individual teachers will request funding for smaller, short-term projects that will directly and immediately benefit their students. Edfund grants have affected all aspects and levels of the educational experience in our district.
The Edfund Endowment
A Vehicle for Granting Advantages
Today and Beyond
The Edfund issues grants each year based on the demand from the school district for innovative and advanced teaching tools. Grants are sourced from the Edfund endowment which was created almost three decades ago to provide support for the school district into perpetuity. In an effort to achieve that goal and sustain its mission, the Edfund raises money each year to replenish and increase the fund, and most importantly, to deliver on the mission to grant educational advantages for all Hamilton Wenham families.
The Edfund is a vehicle for our kids to be on the cutting edge of the newest learning paradigms and technology. Our Grants section highlights many of the innovative and exciting grants that we awarded this past year.
Please consider making a donation this year in response to our 2017-2018 Annual Appeal. Your gift allows the Edfund to “grant advantage” directly to your children’s educational experience in their formative years. The enclosed donor card has giving information, and we are happy to discuss giving in the form of stock, bequests, or other planned gifts as well.
Thank you, and we look forward to granting advantages from your generosity this year.