Frequently Asked Questions
How long has the HW Edfund been around?
The Edfund was incorporated in 1990 and received 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit charitable organization from the IRS in February, 1991. A board of directors was created and populated with residents of both Hamilton and Wenham. Today the HWEdFund has 21 board members from both towns.
How does a contribution to the Edfund differ from other fundraising for the schools?
Your contribution has a direct impact now and in the future. Much of the schools’ fundraising efforts, like the Friends groups, give everything they collect to the schools. These are important efforts and usually address a direct and immediate need. However, as more needs or shortfalls are identified, those efforts need to start again from scratch - not so with the Edfund. The EdFund endowment is built to ensure that our schools, teachers and administrators have a stable resource they can look to support their creative ideas.
How does the Edfund impact our schools?
The Edfund exists to provide competitive advantages to our schools through carefully vetted grants. Since its inception the Edfund has funded more than $2 million in grants to the school system.
Why doesn't the Edfund use the endowment to pay for school overrides, to fund teacher salaries, or to cover budget shortfalls?
For a few reasons. First and foremost, the central purpose of the Edfund is to create and grow a sustainable endowment that will provide funds for annual grants from the income generated by the fund. If we spent all of the money to address an immediate crisis, we would defeat that purpose. The Edfund was not created to fund ongoing school budget items, but rather to try to provide funds over and above what annual district school budgets can allow, resulting in unique or special programs or supplementary technology to improve learning opportunities.
How does the Edfund raise money to fund grants to the schools?
The Edfund raises funds at a variety of events throughout the year. For information about specific fund-raisers, and to learn about opportunities for you and your family to get involved, visit our current events/fundraising page.
What types of grants are funded?
We fund those grants which are principally teacher and administrator driven which provide dynamic competitive advantages to our public schools.
What technology initiatives has the Edfund supported?
Historically, the HW Edfund has supported many cutting edge technology initiatives, as they bring innovation and advancement to teaching and learning within the district.
Most recently, the Edfund funded the purchase of a CNC Router for the High School Technology and Engineering students. CNC routers are machines used to cut, carve, or inscribe many types of materials, such as wood, plastic, aluminum, and high-density foam. CNC stands for computer numerical control, which indicates computer software and electronics controlled machines. CNC machines can cut along three directions; the X, Y, and Z axes. Because they run on computers, CNC routers are faster and more precise than humans, making them extremely useful in manufacturing precise complex parts. Other recent grants funded a Digital Music Production Studio and Lighting Equipment for the High School and Newscasting Studio Supplies for the Winthrop School.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the Edfund approved one of its largest one-time grant requests to fund a variety of technology and software platforms, supporting the remote learning efforts for HWRSD students. This includes: zoom licenses; content-based software platforms such as Lexia, Dreambox, BrainPOP, and Read Naturally; and online video customization platforms such as Screencastify and Edpuzzle. As the district moved into a hybrid learning model for SY2020-21, the Edfund also approved the funding of the technology required to livestream classes to students on their remote days.
In order to enhance the learning within the HWRHS Forensics class, the Edfund supported the purchase of a Suprema RealScan G-10 Live Scan offering real-time technology that allows students to capture fingerprints with extreme clarity and build a database for assessments and classroom learning. Similarly, the CNC Plasma Cutter provides engineering students access to current robotic technology where they can design, engineer and cut customized projects out of steel. Additionally, Heart Tech monitors were included as a part of a physical education grant at the Miles River Middle School so that students can study the cardiovascular system and the effects of exercise using their own data.
Finally, the Edfund has also funded larger technology programs and infrastructure that continue to enhance the learning for students each year. These include: computer labs, computer stations and laptops, Smart Boards, LCD projectors and digital cameras, iPads in the elementary school, and a wireless network for the middle and high school.
How can I support the Edfund?
There are many ways you can support the Edfund. Fromdonating money to participating in our activities to volunteering to help us staff our events. For more information or how to be involved, please contact us!