All About Grants
Who Can Apply for Grants?
The Edfund Board encourages teachers and administrators at all of the Hamilton Wenham Schools to request grants to enhance the education they provide to students in K-12 and take advantage of the funding supported by the generosity of our community donors. Grants applicants are encouraged to present creative approaches to enhancing educational opportunities within and beyond the walls of the classroom.
How does the Edfund decide which grants to fund?
The Edfund reviews grant applications on a rolling basis throughout the year and depending on funds available, determine as a board which grants will have the most meaningful impact for students not only today but going forward. When funds are distributed depends on the amount requested, timeline of the project, and available funds at the time of the application.
What types of enrichment are generally funded?
Edfund grants space all educational subjects at our schools. From math, English, reading and science to technology, foreign languages, arts, and physical education, we aim to support dynamic opportunities for students through their learning process. We fund both initiatives and infrastructure. Technology purchases have included items such as 3D printers, computer labs, computer stations and laptops, Smart Boards, LCD projectors and digital cameras.
Our funding has also provided the latest training opportunities for teachers, supported classroom initiatives, and worked to fund projects that increase civic engagement throughout our schools and communities.
Our mini-grant program offers the opportunity for individual teachers to request funding for smaller, short-term projects that will directly and immediately benefit their students.
Please click to see what types of grant ideas may be funded.
What is the Criteria for Successful Grant?
We try our best to make the grant application process as easy as possible for teachers and administrators. Successful grants will show a clear and thorough plan, with a strong articulation of how your grant will enhance the educational experience of our students. We can't wait to see your grant proposal! (seriously).
To apply for a grant, please download and complete the grant application form below, responding to the listed questions in the application form. All grant applications, once signed by your principal, should be emailed to: Jessica Minnaar, Grants Committee Chair @: Please email Jessica with any questions you may have as you are preparing your grant.
Project grants are for projects of $10,000 or more, and should be designed to influence or advance the school system’s interest in areas such as curriculum, technology, teaching methods, special school projects or specific innovative interdisciplinary projects.
Mini-grants are awards of less than $10,000