Assuring Future Competitive Advantages for our Schools
The Edfund has a rich 20-year history and long legacy of support for our public schools. Established as a community initiative in 1990 with the principal goal of building a permanent endowment fund to perpetually support our public schools, we have built a strong foundation for their benefit. In 2005 the Edfund achieved its primary goal of building a $1 million endowment to sustain support for our schools.
The vision of our founding members and your contributions over the past two decades have enabled the Edfund to fulfill its commitment to advancing educational excellence.
The Endowment as a Source of Revenue
Our endowment fund is an investment vehicle used to generate a permanent source of revenue. Annual fundraising activities and income from the endowment's investment portfolio helps it grow. The ultimate goal is to grow a sustainable endowment that will perpetually provide funds for grants from the income it generates.
Endowment Management
The Edfund retains a professional investment advisor to manage the endowment fund investments. Management of the fund is carried out under the guidelines of a written investment policy of the board. Edfund directors with professional investment experience serve as liaisons between the board and the investment advisor and monitor the performance of the endowment portfolio on an ongoing basis.
The Amount of Funds Available for Grants Each Year
The Edfund board calculates an annual percentage of the endowment fund balance at fiscal year-end to allocate grants to the schools. This is a traditional endowment funding formula that maximizes the benefit to our students today while ensuring the growth of the endowment for tomorrow.